Music for America is a fantastic new 527 organization mobilizing the music community and empowering young people by exposing the connection between their cultural lives and the political process. Drawing upon the influence of passionate performers and inspiring events, Music for America is creating a vast and decentralized movement that encourages participatory democracy and rejuvenates the youth vote - ultimately electing candidates with more progressive values, across the nation.

Brian was recently hired as a consultant by Music for America for seven weeks to help organize it's "Party 'N Politics" series of live music nightclub events in ten states to encourage young voters to participate in the March 2nd "Super Tuesday" primaries. Working with artists, band managers, night club managers and promoters, Brian arranged for Music for America voter registration and information tables at over 50 nightclub shows in ten Super Tuesday primary states in the week before the March 2nd primary.

Much of this work was similar to the organizing work Brian had done with Rock Against Racism.

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